First a HUGE thank you to everyone who took the time to reply to my question of what is keeping you stuck and preventing you from living a passionate life.

I received so many replies that it has taken me this long to sort through them.  I would like to assure everyone that anything you share with me is totally confidential.  I will never share your personal story.

Because I received so many responses to my question, I decided to draw another name so that two of you will receive the download of all the interviews from my next teleseminar series. The two individuals whose names were drawn have been contacted.

AND you are all winners!  I am so touched by the number of people who responded that I have a gift for everyone.  I interviewed Rick Carson who wrote Taming Your Gremlin and A Master Class in Gremlin Taming.  Don’t let the titles fool you.  Your Gremlin isn’t some cute little thing.

I was going to give you a link to the interview so that you could listen to it for the next two weeks.  But I’m going to give you the interview so that you can listen to it at your leisure.  Here’s the link for the download: Click here to download/listen.

Can I ask a favor of you?  Instead of forwarding the link to your friends, relatives and anyone else you think could benefit from Rick’s wisdom, I would be delighted if you would send them to my website ( – They can just scroll to the bottom of the page and see the sign-up formto sign up for it so that they can learn more about their Gremlin and how to tame it to find greater peace and happiness.  Thanks!

Just like you do now, when they sign up, they will have access to all of the interviews I will be doing over the next five months to help all of you to create:

  • more joy
  • more freedom
  • better health
  • more love

In your life.

In a nutshell.

Stay tuned for my upcoming interviews.  Some of the speakers will be offering packages and some won’t.  If it speaks to you, feel free to purchase it.  I will let you know if and when I’m an affiliate.

As we move towards September, I want to help you to love your life.  Right now.  This moment.

Keep sending me your ideas for speakers you want me to interview and topics you want to know more about.  Thanks.

In my next newsletter I will tell you about the workshops I am planning for you.

Enjoy the rest of your summer.

Anne Pustil, MEd, CCC,
President, Coaching In A Nutshell
Certified Therapist and Relationship Coach
[email protected]