Are you ready to wake up and create the life that you want?


Our feelings are messages.  They give us information.  Emotional pain gives us information, just as physical pain gives us information.  When you break your leg, it hurts.  That pain is giving you a message:  PAY ATTENTION.  THERE IS SOMETHING IMPORTANT GOING ON HERE THAT NEEDS YOUR ATTENTION.  IGNORE THIS PAIN AT YOUR RISK.

So you go to the doctor or hospital and get your leg looked after.  Emotional pain gives us the same message:  PAY ATTENTION.  THERE IS SOMETHING IMPORTANT GOING ON HERE THAT NEEDS YOUR ATTENTION.  IGNORE THIS PAIN AT YOUR RISK.

That’s it.  First, always pay attention to what you’re feeling.  Be aware.  More tomorrow.

Please feel free to share this or any post and please credit Anne Pustil, Thank you.

Copyright Anne Pustil 2011,


  1. Janet

    This is very true. I ignored my true feelings years ago and entered a marriage that I should not have. Three lovely sons came out of it. But I did not listen to my inner guidance and did what I thought I was supposed to do and it was a big mistake. We were divorced after 10 years and I had to learn a lot about my self worth.

    • AnnePustil

      Janet, the journey to self-worth is one that many women have to make. And it often has many twists and turns. Self-worth is necessary before we trust our inner guidance and will listen to it. Listening to the voice of our inner guidance or intuition is critical to being happy. Whenever I’m dissatisfied with a decision I have made, it’s usually because I did what I thought would be best instead of listening to what I knew I wanted on a gut level.