One of the most effective ways to deal with your feelings is with the Emotional Freedom Technique or tapping. If you tap on some of the same points used for acupuncture or accupressure you can heal your negative feelings and strengthen your positive feelings.
I knew about EFT years ago, but I thought it was ridiculous. Until I tried it and experienced how powerful it is. There’s a wonderful book by Roberta Temes called The Tapping Cure. She’s a registered psychologist who also didn’t believe in tapping until she successfully used it to treat a client with trauma when nothing else had worked.
There are hordes of EFT and tapping websites and books that describe EFT, show you the tapping points and teach you how to do it. Start with Carol Look. She was one of the early adopters of EFT and she is a wonderful teacher of the power of tapping for dealing with many issues as well as creating abundance in your life. Or find a tapping expert who can work with you and help you heal yourself.
Nick Ortner, who produces the Tapping Summit, sent a video to his list about how tapping has been used to help orphans who were traumatized by the genocide in Rwanda
If what you’re doing isn’t working, why not try something else? I use EFT with clients and they have experienced great shifts in their lives as a result. Email me at [email protected] if you would like more information about working with me.
Please feel free to share this or any post and please credit Anne Pustil, Thank you.
Copyright Anne Pustil 2011,
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Sorry, Ethel, I have no idea. Might want to contact an android expert.