Instead of complaining that the rosebush is full of thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.  ~Proverb

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”  William Arthur Ward

Welcome to the final day of our complaining challenge.  I have a bad cold but, instead of complaining about it, I’m taking responsibility for pushing myself really hard this week.  (OK, I might complain once or twice about it today.)  I know that my body is giving me a message and it’s my job to decide what that message is.

We complain because things are not as we would like them to be.  But I believe that there’s another level to our complaining.  One level is the subconscious belief that we don’t deserve better or we’re not worthy of having what we really want.  Because those beliefs are subconscious, we aren’t aware of them so we can’t do anything about believing that we aren’t worthy or that we deserve to have what we want.  The other level is that we don’t know how to go about getting what we want and we feel stuck so we complain.

So pay attention to your complaints!  Don’t try to get rid of them before you have heard their message.  If you’re having trouble dealing with their message seek help.  You deserve to have a great life.

Tomorrow I’ll do a recap of the week.

Make it a memorable day!

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Copyright Anne Pustil 2011,