Are you ready to wake up and create the life that you want?


It seems so obvious:  be aware of and acknowledge what’s really going on in our lives.  If it’s so obvious, why do we so often run away from the realities of our lives?  We think we won’t be able to cope, it feels too painful, we aren’t sure what to do to change the situation.

The problem is that denial only prolongs the difficulty and pain.  The very difficulty and pain that we are running from, hoping that it will just go away and resolve itself.

Here’s what I tell my clients and what I do in my life when something seems overwhelming:  Stop, Breathe and Allow.

Stop running.  Close your eyes and breathe.  Whatever it is – allow your feelings.  Be aware of them and feel them.  Know that, in this moment, you don’t have to resolve the situation, your only task right now is to be aware of your feelings and to feel them.  Be present for yourself and your life.

The only way to get over anything is to go through it.  More on this tomorrow.

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Copyright Anne Pustil 2011,


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    • AnnePustil

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