As I said in a previous post, the first step in dealing with your feelings is to be aware of what you’re feeling – no matter how uncomfortable the feeling is.  The next step is to stop judging your feelings as good or bad and to stop judging yourself for having a particular feeling.

You might not like the feeling.  Anger, sadness, hopelessness, discouragement and frustration don’t feel good but that doesn’t make them bad.  We also often judge ourselves when we don’t feel good or happy.  It’s these judgments and our desire to run away from our so-called negative feelings that create problems for us and make it impossible for us to successfully navigate our inner world.

Acceptance of all our feelings is critical.  So awareness of what you’re feeling is the first step.  Acceptance is the next step.  Sounds so simple, doesn’t it?  More on that to come.

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Copyright Anne Pustil 2011,