I’m back and glad to be here with you again. Life’s been crazy busy – I’m sure you can relate, right? I’m excited to share with you the life-changing info I’ve been learning.
As we count down to Christmas (yikes – wasn’t it just July?), I want to share a weekly newsletter with you to help you create the best holiday season yet. Each newsletter will give you tips and strategies that will help you move past the “stuff” in your life that is keeping you blocked and stressing you out.
It’s great to be connecting with you again, and I hope you’re well. To better serve you and bring you solutions to create a life you love to live, I’ve been compiling my favorite coaching tools. I want to share those with you because you are vital to this Coaching In A Nutshell community.
Tapping/EFT is by far the most powerful tool I use in coaching my clients (and in my own life as well). I’ve watched my clients make astounding breakthroughs as we’ve used EFT in their own challenges.
In my personal life, Tapping has helped me nip stress in the bud. I’m able to tackle those stressful situations much better and with more grace than I did before I started using Tapping.
I had the chance to use Tapping just last week when I was on a business trip. In two days, three of my four flights were delayed anywhere from 35 minutes to an hour-and-a-half.
Before I learned to use EFT, I would’ve paced back and forth impatiently in front of the gate like a caged tiger, muttering under my breath. But on this trip, I took a deep breath (or twelve!), did some tapping, acknowledged that it was an inconvenience (especially because I didn’t get home until 3 AM) and then read, wrote and walked calmly around the airport while waiting for my boarding call.
Of course Tapping is amazing in more areas of our lives than just waiting around in airports. My clients love tapping and use it to help them release “stuck” and painful feelings that have been holding them back for years. This allows them to get on with their lives and do great things. Fun things. Meaningful things. All the things they couldn’t do before because they felt trapped. It’s also quick and simple so clients get real results in just a few sessions, which means they don’t need years of coaching or counseling.
Because I know how powerful Tapping is, I’m finishing up some programs for you that include tapping. I’m really excited to share them with you!
Over the next few weeks I’ll be releasing several surprise interviews just in time to help you sail through this holiday season so you will be ready to handle the wind and waves that come along at this time of year.
Each week I’ll send a quick tip right to your inbox to help you make your holiday season easier, brighter and more of what you want it to be. Then you’ll be set to welcome in a vibrant and fulfilling New Year.
Hang on to your hats, my friends. This is going to be one heck of a ride. There’s a New Year coming full of exciting possibilities. Are you ready?
Anne Pustil, MEd, CCC,
President, Coaching In A Nutshell
Certified Therapist and Relationship Coach