Well, we’re into Day 4 of our challenge.  How are you doing?  Today I’m going to talk about one of the ways I deal with my inner complainer which really changes my focus and turns my energy around.

Michael Losier, who wrote the book Law of Attraction:  The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t, suggests a great way to deal with other people’s complaining as well as your own.  Whenever you catch yourself complaining, ask yourself “So, what do I want?”  How simple.  (But not necessarily easy of course.)  You can also ask other people “So what do you want?” when they’re complaining to you.

Your complaints are messages from your soul to your self that whatever you’re doing isn’t working for you.  It’s not fulfilling you.  This is not the life your soul wants.  This is not how your soul wants to be connecting to other people.

Stop and ask yourself “So, what do I want?”  Too often we just continue on our way day after day, year after year not stepping back, taking a breath, looking at our lives and asking ourselves if we’re living the life we want.  If our life is meaningful and fulfilling.  Don’t wait until you wake up one day and ask yourself where the years have gone.

Listen to your complaints!  They have important information for you.  The big question is:  Are you willing to listen?  And then do something about it?

If you need a hand creating the life you want, get in touch with me at [email protected].  I have opened up a few spaces to do some work with people who are committed to creating a spectacular life.

Make it a great day!

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Copyright Anne Pustil 2011, http://www.CoachingInANutshell.com